[2015-12-28]Notification by Quercus TFI SA about exceeding 10% of the total number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2015-11-30]Conclusion of a significant agreement by a subsidiary of PROCHEM S.A.[2015-11-02]The signing of a significant agreement[2015-10-23]The notification by Quercus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. about exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2015-10-22]The judgment of the District Court in Warsaw, Commercial Division XXVI in the case against PERN S.A.[2015-09-24]Changes in the rights attached to securities of the issuer[2015-09-14]Notification by Noble Funds Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. about change in the number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2015-08-11]Conclusion of a significant agreement. The report supplementing the current report No. 6 dated 20 February 2015[2015-06-19]Information on shareholders having at least 5% of votes at AGM of PROCHEM S.A.[2015-06-18]Information on dividends paid by PROCHEM S.A.[2015-06-13]Appointment of the Management Board of PROCHEM S.A.[2015-06-13]The Annual General Meeting of PROCHEM S.A.− adopted resolutions.[2015-06-12]Selection of an auditor to audit the financial statements of PROCHEM S.A. and the Capital Group of PROCHEM S.A. for the year 2015[2015-05-26]The sale of assets of significant value[2015-05-15]Announcement about convening The Ordinary General Meeting of PROCHEM S.A.[2015-05-15]The disposal of an asset by a subsidiary[2015-04-28]List of the information brought to public notice in 2014 by PROCHEM S.A.[2015-04-28]Recommendation of the Management Board of PROCHEM S.A. concerning the distribution of profit for the financial year 2014[2015-04-21]The establishment of the surety for the loan by the Issuer[2015-04-17]Change in date of the transmission of the separate and the consolidated annual report for 2014[2015-03-20]The conclusion of the significant agreement[2015-02-20]The conclusion of the significant agreement[2015-02-16]The conclusion of the significant agreement[2015-02-05]Notification by Noble Funds TFI SA of the change below 5% of the total number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2015-01-27]Dates of periodical financial reports in 2015[2015-01-23]Conclusion of significant contract, supplementary report to the current report No. 13/2014 dated November 17, 2014[2015-01-22]Notification under Article 160 of the Act on Trading, on the acquisition of shares of PROCHEM SA by the Vice-President of the Management Board