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The conclusion of the significant agreement

The conclusion of the significant agreement

Date of publication: 16.02.2015

On February 16, 2015 company PROCHEM S.A. received a signed contract with Skanska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The contract covers the design work and execution of construction works and assembly works of technological part under contract implemented by the Skanska which was concluded with the Department of Investment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization covering the modernization and expansion of warehouse of MPS in Porażyn.

The value of the contract – 18 169 388 PLN (Gross value).
Deadline for completion – 32 months from the date of signing of the contract.
The contract contains provisions relating to contractual penalties. Each party shall be entitled to seek compensation on general principles above the amount of contractual penalties The agreement was considered significant because the value of the agreement exceeds 10% of the Issuer’s equity.