[2014-11-17]The conclusion of the significant agreement[2014-10-21]The notification by Quercus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. about exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2014-08-22]Notification by Noble Funds Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., of exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in the company PROCHEM S.A.[2014-06-12]Information about shareholders having 5% or more of total number of votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PROCHEM S.A.[2014-06-10]The constitution of the Supervisory Board of PROCHEM S.A.[2014-06-07]The Annual General Meeting of PROCHEM S.A.- adopted resolutions[2014-06-06]The appointment of the auditor to conduct an audit of financial statements of PROCHEM S.A. and PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group for 2014[2014-06-04]The conclusion of the significant agreement[2014-05-08]Announcement about convening The Ordinary General Meeting of PROCHEM S.A.[2014-04-28]List of the information brought to public notice in 2013 by PROCHEM S.A.[2014-03-21]The conclusion of the lease agreement[2014-01-28]Interim reports in 2014[2014-01-08]Notification by Noble Funds Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. of exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in the Company PROCHEM S.A.