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The First Diamond for PROCHEM

The First Diamond for PROCHEM

Date of publication: 23.07.2007

On June 23, 2007 in the site of Horse Racing at Służewiec held the Summer Grand Gala of the Business Centre Club. During the Gala, the winners of the Golden Statuette of the Leader of Business in Poland, who have maintained their high position, have received Diamonds to the Golden Statuettes. Among these companies was also PROCHEM, who received the statuette of Business Leader 2006 and this year for the first time was able to compete for this award.


The competition jury took into account not only economic indicators – taking into consideration competitiveness of the industry and achieved against its background performance – but also the quality and innovation of products, the level – especially export-oriented and creating new jobs investments and involvement in the charity and environmental protection, as well as commitment to the club activity. This year, the jury awarded 36 Diamonds.

At the accompanying Gala the exhibition of companies BCC were presented the best Polish companies – members of the BCC, the winners of the competition Leader of Business in Poland and winners of the European Medal. The Summer Grand Gala of BCC 2007 was also an opportunity to granting of the honorable European Medal to ambassadors of Italy, Austria and Portugal. The program of Gala comprised many attractions, including fashion shows, show riding, racing for the prize of companies – Gala sponsors, auctions and performances by famous artists.