Honoured concept of PROCHEM in the PSE competition

Date of publication: 06.05.2019
Competition organized by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. with the participation of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP), was to select the best multi-branch conception in terms of technology, architecture, functionality and utility for the new PSE building in Radom.
In the grounds for their decision regarding the award of distinction for PROCHEM, the Competition Jury stressed the “legible functional layout”, transparency and clear division of individual zones, “willingness to create a friendly zone of internal courtyard” and “correct location of rooms for operators”, which have been presented in the prepared concept. It was also remarked that “individual rooms in the T1 zone and the organization of supply and people traffic have been well and practically solved”.
Out of all competition works, the project of PROCHEM was very well evaluated in terms of architecture, urban planning and functions, and according to a detailed scoring of this criterion, it was in second place, just behind the work which was awarded the first prize.