The unique award for The Thermal Waste Treatment Plant in Kraków in architectural competition SARP

Date of publication: 17.05.2016
During an official ceremony, which took place on 13 May 2016 in the Zamoyski Palace at the headquarters of SARP in Warsaw, the architects from PROCHEM have received the award for “Plant for Thermal Utilization of Waste in Cracow.” The plant designed by the company was awarded in the competition of Award the Year organized by the Association of Polish Architects for the best architectural object erected with public funds in 2015. The aim of this prestigious competition is to select the architecturally valuable buildings and thus promotion of the best Polish architecture arisen in the territory of our country. The competition is organized under the honorary patronage of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and National Heritage prof. Piotr Gliński, and the honorary patronage of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction, Mr. Andrzej Adamczyk.
Every year the prizes are awarded for an architect and investor − for the author (authors) of object or group of objects, which were built in the territory of Poland, and which were commissioned in the last year with significant architectural value and financed with the public funds.
In the course of receiving of the diploma, the architects from PROCHEM have heard word of appreciation from a member of the jury:
“You deserve the special congratulations, because in the history of the competition it is rare that the industrial building is noticed and was awarded”..
Usually, public utility buildings, multi apartment buildings and single family houses are reported to this competition and awarded. This prestigious award pleases a team of architects PROCHEM the more that, however, we, having experience in designing industrial works, are aware of the scale of difficulty in design issues in industrial plants, that is incomparably greater than in the case of public buildings and housing. We hope that the award for Plant for Thermal Utilization of Waste (ZTPO) will become the beginning of a good change in the sphere of perception of industrial architecture in our country, and will awake investors’ awareness, proving to them that even in case of this type of object exists sense of beauty, to which is worth to strive.