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The opening ceremony of installation in the Salt Mine

The opening ceremony of installation in the Salt Mine

Date of publication: 16.12.2013

On 6 November 2013 in the premises of the Salt Mine and Underground Oil and Fuel Storage (PMRiP in Góra took place ceremonial opening and commissioning of installations related to the expansion of the brine mining through the 5 new boreholes.



Technological infrastructure for new boreholes of Salt Mine and Underground Oil and Fuel Store “Góra” has been designed on the basis of planning and development concept developed by PROCHEM S.A. in 2009. On May 24, 2012 PROCHEM S.A. signed an agreement for the design and implementation as a general contractor of the investment.

Task that PROCHEM had to comply with consisted in the expansion of the brine mining by 5 new deep boreholes, that means the execution of a diversified multi-branch surface structure for these holes and combining it with the existing infrastructure in the Salt Mine and in Underground Oil and Fuel Storage. The project was implemented within the active mining plant, on the territory of the “Góra I” which was created for salt deposit by the concession granted on 5 December 2002. Installation that was designed and executed by PROCHEM will serve the exploitation of salt deposits, which consists in extracting from a depth of 1700 m below the level of the area, of the brine using the leaching method. These are the deepest boreholes in Poland to leach the salt deposit.