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    Personal data are processed by PROCHEM S.A. according to the law in relation to the business activities.

    Contact directly:


    Łopuszańska Street 95

    02-457 Warsaw


    Phone: (+48 22) 32 60 100

    fax.: (+48 22) 32 60 101



    The company is registered under KRS No 0000019753 at the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

    Share capital: 2,005,000 PLN

    Statistical ID No (REGON): 012532360

    Tax ID No (NIP): 113-00-10-523


    mBank S.A., No
    32 1140 1010 0000 2033 7300 1001


    BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., No
    08 1600 1462 1852 2130 3000 0001