III quarter 2021[2021-11-15]Consolidated Financial Statement, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group; Individual Financial Statement, PROCHEM S.A., III quarter 2021I quarter 2021[2021-05-14]Consolidated Financial Statement, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group; Financial Statement, PROCHEM S.A., I quarter 2021I half-year 2021[2021-09-27]Report, PROCHEM S.A., I half-year 2021[2021-09-27]Report, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, I half-year 2021[2021-09-27]Financial statement, PROCHEM S.A., I half-year 2021[2021-09-27]Consolidated financial statement, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, I half-year 2021[2021-09-27]Report of Management Board, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, I half-year 2021ANNUAL REPORT 2021[2022-04-28]Selected financial data, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Selected financial data, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Letter from the President of the Management Board, PROCHEM S.A. 2021[2022-04-28]Letter form the President of the Management Board, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Declaration of Members of Management Board, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Declaration of Members of Management Board, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Information of the Management Board, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Information of the Management Board, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Report on the audit, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Report on the audit, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Financial statement, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Consolidated financial statement, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Report of the Management Board on the business activity, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Report of the Management Board on the business activity of the Capital Group, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Statement of the Supervisory Board, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Statement of the Supervisory Board, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021[2022-04-28]Report of the Supervisory Board on the results of the assessment, PROCHEM S.A., 2021[2022-04-28]Report of the Supervisory Board on the results of the assessment, PROCHEM S.A. Capital Group, 2021