Changes in the rights attached to securities of the issuer
Date of publication: 24.09.2015
Based on:
- § 10 of the statutes of the company PROCHEM S.A.
- Resolution No. 22/132/94 of the Council of the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. dated 30 May 1994
- Resolution No. 636/15 of the National Depository for Securities SA of 23 September 2015
- Resolution No. 955/2015 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange of S.A. of 18 September 2015
the following changes are introduced:
- 7188 registered non-preference shares of PROCHEM S.A.
- 250 registered preference shares
become bearer shares.
Pursuant to § 9 of the Statutes of the Company PROCHEM S.A, preference of shares consists in granting each share the three votes, preference shares lose their preference in the case of the conversion of them into bearer shares.
Date of the conversion, the assimilation and the listing on main market in the ordinary mode of securities mentioned above aforementioned securities – 28 September 2015.
After the conversion, the share capital of the company is PLN 3 895 000 and remained unchanged.
Total number of votes from all shares of PROCHEM S.A. at the General Meeting after the change will amount to 3 896 160.
Structure of shares of PROCHEM S.A. after the change:
- 3 886 854 bearer shares (code PLPRCHM00014)
- 7 566 non-preference inscribed shares (code PLPRCHM00022)
- 580 inscribed preference shares (code PLPRCHM00055)