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Notification by the shareholder on the change in the shareholding held in the total number of votes in PROCHEM S.A.

Notification by the shareholder on the change in the shareholding held in the total number of votes in PROCHEM S.A.

Date of publication: 09.05.2019

The Management Board of PROCHEM S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter „Issuer”, „Company”) informs that on 9 May 2019 the Company received from ESALIENS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. the following information:

Having regard to Article 69 sec. 1 item 2, in connection with Article 87 sec. 1 item 2 letter a/ of Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies (hereinafter „the Act”), we would like to inform that, on 6 May 2019 were conducted transactions of sale of shares in PROCHEM S.A., which results in the change in the share in the total number of votes in the Company.

Prior to the transaction date on the accounts of ESALIENS Parasol Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty, ESALIENS Senior Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty (hereinafter „Fund”) were 168,646 Company’s shares, representing 5.75 % of the share capital of the Company, entitling to 168,646 votes from these shares, which represents 5.74% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.

At present, the Funds do not hold any shares of the Company.

ESALIENS TFI S.A. has also informed that there are no subsidiaries of the Fund that hold shares in the Company, as well as there are no persons referred to in Article 87 sec. 1 item 3 letter c of the Act.

No exist the votes from shares referred to in Article 69 sec. 4 item 7 and item 8 of the Act.
The total sum of votes and its percentage share in the total number of votes referred to in Art. 69 sec. 4 item 9 of the Act are 168,646 and 5.74% respectively.