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References of Technical Credibility for PROCHEM S.A. have been prolonged

References of Technical Credibility for PROCHEM S.A. have been prolonged

Date of publication: 02.02.2015

On February 2, 2015 was held a ceremony of giving a certificate confirming the obtaining by PROCHEM of References of Technical Credibility which was granted by the Chamber of Construction Designing.



PROCHEM S.A. once again received an extension of the Reference of Technical Credibility. References have been granted to our Company for the first time in 1994, and after successive audit – already the fifth in this year, analysis of documents and issuing of a favorable opinion have been extended for the next four years – until October 2018.
References which are issued by the Chamber of Construction Designing are confirming Company’s substantive goodwill in the field of activity in the market of construction services. This year, for the first time the issued recommendation for the services provided by PROCHEM is also granted in the management of the implementation of the investment using BIM technology: 4D and 5D.