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PROCHEM with an award in the “Modernization of the Year 2019” competition

PROCHEM with an award in the “Modernization of the Year 2019” competition

Date of publication: 01.10.2020

On September 23, 2020 the award ceremony was held in the national competition Modernization of the Year & Construction of the 21st century. PROCHEM received one of the prestigious awards as a contractor of building revitalization works on the site of the former Saturn mine in Czeladź.



Prize and statuette “Modernization of the Year” for PROCHEM S.A. in the category of “Public Utility” received Marek Kiersznicki, Vice-President of the Management Board at the final gala at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Reconstruction of post-mining facilities, resulting in a modern Center for Community Services and Local Activity in Czeladź, was selected from among 460 implementations submitted to the competition. 76 objects were qualified for the strictly finals. The fact that in such a large group of the best modernization investments in the country, the facility implemented by PROCHEM has achieved exceptional success and the highest rating in its category is all the more pleasing.

The jury emphasized the bold approach to the reconstruction of buildings from other eras and combining them into one coherent complex. The jury also appreciated the preservation of the mining tradition of the region – the modernized center is a reminder of the mining past of the city of Czeladź.

The investment related to the revitalization of post-industrial monuments in Czeladź included two buildings – former electrical workshops and transformers – located on the site of the former hard coal mine. After modernization, they were connected with a glass, two-story connector, which effectively emphasized their unique and coherent character. The modernization of the buildings turned out to be a complicated operation requiring PROCHEM to be extremely flexible in the implementation of construction works. The historic transformer building with an original brick façade required special attention. We hope that it will not be our last investment related to the modernization of this type of monuments. The final effect of the work, additionally awarded with the title of “Modernization of the Year”, mobilizes to new challenges related to the revitalization of interesting facilities – emphasizes Jarosław Stępniewski, President of PROCHEM S.A.

The investor of the revitalization of buildings for the purposes of the Center for Community Services and Local Activity SATURN was the City of Czeladź, and the author of the project – design studio Pracownia Projektowa AiM from Katowice.