“Engineering Facilities of the Visegrad Four” together with the incineration plant for municipal waste in Kraków

Date of publication: 18.12.2018
On December 12, 2018 in Warsaw during the session of the National Council of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers, the President of PIIB, Professor Zbigniew Kledyński thanked the co-authors of the publishing house, including the main designer from PROCHEM, architect Jakub Baczyński.
The book contains presentations of 24 important engineering projects from the V-4 countries (6 objects from each country) and as the fourth volume closes the series of publications started 15 years ago as part of international cooperation of engineering organizations.
This is another prestigious distinction for the Krakow incinerator, whose project was developed by PROCHEM S.A. in cooperation with PKI PREDOM Sp. z o. o. based on the winning concept in the competition, authors of which was the team in the composition: Bogusław Wowrzeczka (MANUFAKTURA NR 1), Michał Teller (TELLER ARCHITEKCI), Filip Łapiński (ŁAPIŃSKI ARCHITEKCI) and in cooperation of PROCHEM with the abovementioned team at the Detailed Design stage.