Prize for the tower of air traffic control in Krakow

Date of publication: 11.09.2017
For the 27th time the Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians has organized a nationwide competition “Construction of the Year”, under honorary patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction and the Central Office of Building Supervision. The jury of this most important contest in the construction industry granted a honorable mention for the building designed by PROCHEM. The second II. degree in the “Construction of the Year 2016” competition won the Tower of Air Traffic Control TWR Kraków-Balice.
The investment at the Krakow airport designed by PROCHEM S.A. has significantly increased the level of air traffic safety by providing appropriate working conditions for the air traffic control services and through equipping the tower with state-of-the-art equipment. The solutions applied ensure fully comfortable work conditions for the flight controllers, and the functionally designed rooms are conducive to the efficiency of the operation.
During rating of the object in the competition, the competition jury also drew attention to the original and interesting architectural form of the Krakow TWR tower.
Tower of Air Traffic Control Tower in Krakow was nominated for the competition by the investor – Polish Air Navigation Services Agency and general contractor – PORR S.A.