LEED – certificate for „green buildings”
Date of publication: 30.03.2017
The LEED system (abbreviation for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) was created in the United States in 1998 by the USGBC – U.S. Green Building Council. This is currently one of the most widespread systems in the world for ecological certification for buildings. Nearly 25 000 projects registered for certification and nearly 160 000 consultants from around the world prove the popularity of the system. Certification is carried out in 120 countries and includes various types of buildings – from the industrial buildings to residential houses. In Europe, as many as 25 countries belongs to the World Green Building Council , including Poland since 2006, including Poland since 2006, when was established the Polish Association of Ecological Building.
LEED is a multicriterial certification of building objects, which is assessing the environmental aspects of a building and of its immediate surroundings. Among the main areas which are evaluated by certification, are: sustainable terrain, efficient water management (EW), energy and atmosphere (EA), materials and resources (MR), quality of the internal environment (IEQ), design innovation (ID), and regional priorities ( RPC).
LEED in projects realized by PROCHEM
Chocolate Factory which is located in Kożuszki-Parcel near Sochaczew – along with accompanying infrastructure – which belongs to the company MARS, was the first investment executed by our company, which was designed and built and next was subject to certification. Expansion of the factory was certified LEED Platinum. It is worth noting that it is the first fully industrialized object, with green LEED PLATINUM certificate in Poland, and it is also one of the seven best evaluated industrial buildings, in the world within LEED certification.
The second facility is the extension of the Goodrich Aerospace Poland plant in Tajęcina. The Design Review stage has now been completed and underway is completion of the documentation required to complete the Construction Review stage.
Mateusz Grzybowski supervised the collecting and completion of the required documents and the introduction and the following of the principles according the requirements of LEED by all subcontractors on construction sites both in Kożuszki and in Tajęcina.
LEED certification for each object includes two stages In the first stage (Design Review) design is subject to certification. In the second stage (Construction Review) the construction is subject to certification, with particular regard to a number of requirements, which should be applied and followed by all contractors/subcontractors.