About us
PROCHEM is an engineering company, serving clients in the industrial, building construction and environmental protection sectors. The company was established in 1947. Long-standing experience, highly qualified and professional staff, as well as the use of state-of the-art work tools and methods are among the company’s most significant advantages which guarantee its stable leading position in the construction market.
PROCHEM specialises in engineering and general construction. We provide comprehensive services as regards investment project execution, starting from the preparation of design concepts to the symbolic key handover to the investor, or we implement particular tasks at various stages of the investment process. We participate in the organisation and management of investment projects, acting as an adviser, developer, project engineer, project supervisor, FIDIC contract engineer or general contractor.
We also provide consulting services in respect of contracts financed with the European Union aid funds, including the drafting of applications for additional funding. PROCHEM employs experienced and highly qualified technical personnel specialised, among others, in: technology, architecture, construction and building, road work, mechanical and electrical systems, telecommunications, installation work, etc. Moreover, our company employs project managers, supervision inspectors and other technical staff — necessary for the management of investment projects. Since 1994, the stocks of the company have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
PROCHEM’s mission is to guarantee its Clients a real competitive advantage through supplying them with top-quality services at reasonable prices and attractive completion deadlines while ensuring high standards of safety and environmental protection.
Company authorities

Grzegorz Piotrowski
Branch manager

Piotr Żelezik
Project and Construction
Management Director

Barbara Auguścińska-Sawicka
Chief accountant
Management system
The underlying principle which determines the direction of PROCHEM’s development is to achieve customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements and performance of the service within the agreed budget and schedule, while ensuring high quality, safety and environmental protection standards. For this purpose, PROCHEM constantly invests in development, improves work methods and tools, and aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.
PROCHEM consistently implements the Quality Policy. In 1995, as the first Polish engineering company, PROCHEM obtained the ISO:9001 quality certificate, and in 2003 – the AQAP certificate. In order to further improve the Quality Management System, in 2010 we started works on extending its scope with the requirements concerning environmental management as well as health and safety management. Currently, the Company holds Integrated Management System certificates in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) and ISO 14001:2015 standards (Environmental Management), as well as the requirements of AQAP 2110:2016 (NATO).
Capital group
While maintaining its traditional profile and using the knowledge and skills of its employees, PROCHEM S.A. offers comprehensive services to its Clients and strives to expand the scope of its operations to include more complicated areas, requiring significant efforts at the organisational level.
To this end, in 1996, the Company began to form a holding company made up of companies representing all the specialities needed for the execution of turnkey investment projects. One of the key principles of this undertaking was ensuring uniform quality standards.
The companies belonging to the holding provide services which can be classified into the following groups: engineering services and installations contracting, developer’s services, other services (e.g. data technology).
Utilising the potential of the companies belonging to the same capital structure and working with our regular contractors, we may undertake large and complex investment projects. Currently, the Capital Group consists of several companies.