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Notice about acquiring a considerable share packet of PROCHEM S.A. by Legg Mason Zarządzanie Aktywami S.A.

Notice about acquiring a considerable share packet of PROCHEM S.A. by Legg Mason Zarządzanie Aktywami S.A. (Legg Mason Asset Management)

Date of publication: 17.03.2010 

On 17th March 2010 the company received the notice from Legg Mason Zarządzanie Aktywami S.A. with registered office in Warsaw, about exceeding 5 % of total number of votes at the General Meeting of PROCHEM S.A..

They announced in the notice, that on 12th March 2010 in the result of implementation of the transaction of the purchase of the shares of PROCHEM S.A., Legg Mason Zarządzanie Aktywami S.A. purchased company shares for the account of the Fund of worker’s ownership of Polish National Railways SFIO and Legg Mason Akcji Skoncentrowany FIZ (Legg Mason Shares Concentrated FIZ). As a result of the abovementioned purchase, company shares from which Legg Mason Zarządzanie Aktywami S.A. can perform the right to vote, are representing over 5 % of total of votes at the General Meeting of the Company. Before the day of 12th March 2010 in accounts of Funds 184 544 company shares were found what constituted the 4.72 % total number of votes at the General Meeting. For the day of transmitting the present notification in accounts of the Fund were 201 948 company shares what constituted the 5.17 % total number of votes at the General Meeting.

Tthe company is supplementing the above information as follows:

–         capital of the company amounts to PLN 3 900 000,

–         the total number of votes on WZA is 3 903 680,

–         acquired above mentioned shares of PROCHEM S.A. constitute 5.18 % of the capital.