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Concluding of the meaning agreement by PROCHEM S.A.

Concluding of the meaning agreement by PROCHEM S.A.

Date of publication: 30.05.2011

On 30 May 2011 PROCHEM S.A. was informed by subsidiary ELEKTROMONTAŻ KRAKÓW S.A. about conclusion of meaning agreement between Jagiellonian University in Cracow and Consortium of Companies in which ELEKTROMONTAŻ KRAKÓW S.A. is participating.

Object of the agreement includes design work and performing the construction and assembly works, along with the delivery and the assembly of materials, of devices and equipping the object – PADEREVIANUM of the II Jagiellonian University which consists of two buildings and an underground car park.

Value of the agreement – PLN 39,785,467.98 (net value).

On ELEKTROMONTAŻ Cracow is falling – PLN 4,200,000 (net).

Contract is financed from funds of the European Union.

Date of completion – 18 November 2013

The agreement contains detailed information in relation to contractual penalties. The ceiling of contractual penalties constitutes 50% of gross value of remuneration. Sides can claim for the compensation exceeding the amount of contractual penalties up to the value of specified damage, in particular it concerns European Union’s returnable means.